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Wednesday, 6 April 2011

Blood and Weddings :)

Absolutely fan-bloody-tastic. I was gutted when I finished these books, BUT, it looks like there may be more in the making (fingers crossed) Had me hooked from the first to the last. Amazingly written and it is like you just fall into Brands world. Have some blurb. Go on you know you wanna:-
 The Red Jewel is rediscovered and wielded in this, Book #5 of the series. Blood Magic reigns supreme, but who will attune the Red Jewel first? The elder races gather, unhappy with the upstart humans and their possession of powerful Jewels. Brand leads an army of the River Folk and the Wee Folk to the Black Mountains to answer the request of the Kindred for aid. There, atop Snowdon, a fantastic battle rages. The Great Gates of Snowdon are stormed in a new war that will not soon be forgotten.
Ooooooooo Niiiiiiccceee, And it was a bloody great battle as well. The end left a lot to be desired but this is what makes me think there may be more. And there were TWO count them TWO weddings, Girls love weddings. Even more than we love violence hahahahaha I'm joking of course haha. Or am I?
 But on a serious note, Simply divine story and I really do hope there will be more. Really didn't want the book to end and really took my time over it. Made me want to jump in the book and bash some bad guys myself haha, But its actually hard to tell who the bad guys are sometimes, But I am guessing that this is done on purpose. Keeps you guessing anyway. 
If anyone hears of more of these books coming out then PLEASE let me know. 

Enjoy :)