I am currently in the house with just the pooch for company, My partner and son are out doing some shopping for Dinner.
It isn't very often my partner and myself are off together and him having a Sunday off is most unusual.
Lets face it, Sundays were designed for laziness, (although my Son was up at the crack of dawn), Running round the house with the dog like a pair of loons, The dog and my son are like best mates, I have even caught my boy reading a book to the dog in his bedroom, Both of them lied on the bed quite content while Ethan reads "Guess How Much I Love You In The Winter" to the hound.
My son loves these books and their are four of them. All the same title but ending with the seasons, I.E Guess How Much I Love You In The Summer and so forth. Great read for kids and easy to read to your pets too :) But seriously, These Little Nut Brown Hare books are lovely. Perfect little bedtime stories, My lad has had them since he was two years old, And being cardboard books they are hard wearing, Though my son knows very well to treat books well. He has never ripped or damaged books in any way at all. He has the same outlook on them as his Dad and myself do. Books are lovely and should be kept lovely.

To choose a good book, look in an inquisitor’s prohibited list. ~John Aikin