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Sunday, 13 March 2011

Greetings and salutaions

Good day to you all.
 First I would like to tell you what this blog is about. Mainly Books. Any Books. I will review them. Just for fun really. Because I love them.
 My son said to me the other day "you and Daddy are very greedy because you have too many books" I laughed a little and said, Greed doesnt work like that with books. You can want too much money, Thats greedy, Or eat too much, Greed, You can want things or buy things that you really dont need, Waste your money on invalubale things, But not with books, You can never have too many books. They are like little worlds you can enter when ever you feel like it. Another world where you can watch someone elses life and adventures unfold before your eyes. Littl fantasy worlds full of magic and good (or bad) whatever, Tiny places to visit when you need a pick me up. Watch as a vampire feeds or a wanderer finds his place in the world, Where treasures are found (and lost). Where people find "the one". 
 Where Monsters live and Witches dwell. Where people kiss and everything is wonderful. Where people are poor but couldnt care less because they have each other. My son listened and smiled and said "Mummy you are so clever, And I like books" He is five and my life. I wish for him to have the same veiws on books that me and his Dad do. He already loves his "bedtime story" and he doesnt mind what its about. His favourite book is called "The Robot and the Bluebird" by David Lucas. 
 Its all about a robot who's heart breaks and he goes to have it mended, The people cant fix it so he ends up on the tip with all the other broken robots, He tries to talk to them, He says "my heart got broke and they cant fix it" but no one listens on the tip so he stops talking and moving, He gets all rusted. Then one very cold wintery day a bluebird lands on him, She is very tired and cold and she makes a nest in the robot where his heart used to be, The robot can feel her flutter about in there and he feels like he has a heart beat again. The next morning the blue bird says that she is too tired to fly on to the warm country and would surely die if she flew any further in this cold weather. So the robot agrees to take her himself. He gets stiffly up and starts to walk slowly with the bluebird in his heart. Even though he is slow he feels like he is soaring because of the feeling of the little bird where his heart was. He walks over cold mountains through alsorts of weather. Just as he was about to stop working altogether he reaches where the bluebird needs to be. The end of the story is both sad and happy, The robot still stands in the same spot, He doesnt move anymore or speak, But every year birds come from all over the world to make nests in the space where his heart used to be. And though he cant move it makes him very happy.

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