Well, Over the weekend my little boy had a bug. The 24 hour kind that makes you sick as a dog, Or the other which is just as nasty, Anywho I caught it and was sick as a pig all day yesterday, So no reading or anything for me :(.
But I have been reading a fabulous book called "48" by James Herbert, Here is the blurb from the back. In 1945, Hitler unleashes the Blood Death on Britain as his final act of vengeance. Hoke, an American pilot and one of a tiny minority with a rare blood group unaffected by the deadly disease, has survived alone among the debris and the dead of London for three years. Now, in 1948, a slow-dying group of Fascist Blackshirts believe their only hope is a transfusion of blood from one of Hoke’s kind. Ever more desperate as their deaths approach, they’re after his blood. Oh thrilling. And up to now, its gripping. Now Im not really one for books ar films about the war but it seems that the war is over in this one from what I have read so far, BUT, The animosity between English Yanks and Germans is still there, At least it is where Hoke is concerned. The only blood group that is immune is AB negative, And the people after him think (Heavens knows why) that by taking these few people and draining their blood for a quick blood transfusion will cure them. PAH. Everyone knows (dont they?) that you need to be the same group to have a transfusion. But hey this fella that wants their blood (literally) obviously never took biology in school. (lets hope he catches on fast eh). And it seems that animals are immune too as Hoke has a lil doggy called Cagney. Aww.
For Kindle this is £3.99. For hard cover its £11.99 and paperback is £4.45.
If you like this sort of thing, Which seems to me to be a cross between the aftermath of war and a Zombie wotsit, Then please get it as I am hooked and its not even my kinda book. Hows that for ya? :)
Definatly a must read.
Enjoy :)
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