Seriously the funniest man EVER. I hate books written by Celeb's But c'mon! He is great. Never have I met a male with a drier sense of humour than my other half.
He never cracks a smile and he must know that what he is saying is HILARIOUS. He must. You never see him with any other look on his face than the one he has on that picture. He looks so dumb but clearly isn't.

This is the travel book for people who don’t particularly like travelling, it’s Karl Pilkington, star of The Ricky Gervais Podcast Show, with a suitcase, occasionally with his passport, more often with a bemused suspicion of anything vaguely exotic, and an observant eye for the disappointments, tedium, general weirdness and absurdities of being a tourist abroad and at home. From staring at Mount Vesuvius in case it erupts and the horrors of a Lanzarote nudist beach to the curiosities to be seen in the world’s weirdest museum.
Told with his inimitable deadpan humour, Pilkington’s stories are interspersed with fond reflections on life back in England, from Salford joy riders to what his girlfriend’s mum and dad have for dinner on a Thursday (it’s chops and veg. in case you’re wondering).
It's his girlfriend I admire lol. To put up with that mush day in day out. Saying that though he is handsome so the gormless look could be forgiven at a push.
He moans constantly, Nothing is right when he goes on holiday, From having to get up early for the Plane/Train/Boat blah. The food either gives him the squirts or makes him sick, Jelly fish attack him on purpose and he doesn't like talking to people he is never going to meet again in case they "Get too close" And he lives on Battenburg cake.
I would be most content if my children grew up to be the kind of people who think decorating consists mostly of building enough bookshelves. ~Anna Quindlen, "Enough Bookshelves," New York Times, 7 August 1991