As I haven't Blogged since before Christmas, And Christmas is the reason I haven't Blogged, Running around like its Armageddon trying to get enough food to last forever when all you need is enough until Boxing Day, Getting all the gifts and buying the Tree and then passing away from sheer exhaustion. No fun.
Anyway, I have several books to rave about or moan about.
I always get books for Christmas and that's fine by me. The best thing anyone could get me is a book I haven't read. And I always get lots of them. So one by one (Apart from these as The Desert Spear is the second book.
Down to business.
Sand demons, Wind demons, Wood demons, Clay Demons, Rock demons,All of them very angry and all of them rule the night, From The tiny Hamlets to the Free Cities, Everyone hides behind their wards and stay in as soon as the sun goes down, The only people still fighting every night are the Krasians in the east.
Arlen Bales from Tibbets Brook is just a boy and doesn't understand why people hide instead of fighting. He wants his freedom. He wants what The Messengers have. To roam the night. But even Messengers have warded circles to hide in when the night comes. He wants to roam free. Free from Wards and free from Demons. But how does he get it? Buy the books and find out. I am waiting quite impatiently for the third book.
There is no Blurb from The Painted Man or Warded Man if you are American. And I am not writing the blurb from the back of my book. And there is no blurb from The Desert Spear. Ha ha. Buy it.
Hate for the Corelings (Demons) because they come from the Core (Hell) is immense. Fear is always apparent. There is also a little side book called Brayans Gold and The Great Bazaar, These are following Arlen in his travels as a young boy, The full book is a ridiculous £300.00 lol. But for those two short stories its like £1.99 on the Kindle.
Enjoy :)
Always read something that will make you look good if you die in the middle of it. ~P.J. O'Rourke
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